LightingSurge Protection and Waveform correction
The move towards electronic ballasts, LEDs, and HID’s have significantly enhanced the efficiency of lighting systems. However, these new technologies are susceptible to frequency noise resulting in nearly constant maintenance, flickering, and reduced return on investment.
Environmental Potentials’ waveform correction technology reduces lighting maintenance by 50 percent! Filtering lighting panels will significantly extend the lifespan of electronic LED’s and HID ballasts. EP’s patented technology eliminates harmful energy from the electrical distribution system making ballasts filters and TVSS unnecessary. EP-LPF is our lighting protection filter, a combination of Surge Protection Device and Waveform Correction technology, to protect your expensive lighting panel circuits.

EP Filters attenuate the frequency noise generated by the Lighting Solutions

While every electrical environment is unique, lighting applications are one of the Environmental Potentials most common applications. Most of the panels may only require one unit of EP-LPF at the main panel that can provide up to 80kA of protection and 24/7 noise filtration. EP-2000 provides 12.5kA protection and 24/7 noise filtration, can be used for smaller lighting panels.