EV CHARGING STATIONSSurge Protection and Waveform correction

EV is going to reshape the way we transport in the United States. Cars, bikes, trucks, trams, and even airplanes will soon be completely electric, reducing the carbon footprint significantly. The advancement in battery technology, government rebates, and a significant drop in their prices made the EV market more appealing to the consumer. The successful EV sales are projected to rise by 50% by 2040.

EV stations generate noise in the system that can cause an electrical malfunction in residential and commercial facilities. EP introduces its new EP2050EE, a high-end residential electrical filter to address both the noise and transients. EP2050EE is UL listed, proven to help homeowners protect their investment, increase load efficiency, and often reduce electrical consumption. Commercial facilities use EP2000 and EP2500 for complete EV station protection.

EV Charging Station Protection

The EP Product line offers complete protection from surges, transients, high-frequency noise, and other electrical noises generated at the EV charging stations. Click here to read our white paper on “complete EV protection”. 

SPD and Waveform Correction Devices

Main Panel Protection (300-800A)

Point of Equipment ( up to 300A)

Custom Solutions (up to 800A)

2750 and 2775